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Consultation téléphoniques gratuits / thérapie individuelle/Free Consultation Phone Calls/Individual Therapy

Cette consultation téléphonique gratuite de 15 minutes offre la possibilité de poser des questions à votre thérapeute et de décider si c'est le bon choix pour vous. C'est une excellente occasion de discuter des préoccupations que vous pourriez avoir concernant la thérapie, ainsi que des questions sur la pratique telles que les frais, la confidentialité et l'approche/spécialité. This free 15 mi... Read More

Cette consultation téléphonique gratuite de 15 minutes offre la possibilité de poser des questions à votre thérapeute et de décider si c'est le bon choix pour vous. C'est une excellente occasion de discuter des préoccupations que vous pourriez avoir concernant la thérapie, ainsi que des questions sur la pratique telles que les frais, la confidentialité et l'approche/spécialité.
This free 15 minute phone call consultation session offers the chance to ask questions to your therapist, and decide whether or not it is the right fit for you. It is a great way to discuss concerns you may have about therapy, and questions about the practice such as fees, confidentiality, and approach/specialty.

Consultation pour les adolescents et les pré-adolescents/Counselling for Teens and Pre-Teens

Si votre adolescent montre des signes de détresse psychologique ou de problèmes de comportement, notre équipe de professionnels au Cercle du Bien-être à Montréal peut aider. Nos thérapeutes sont spécialisés dans la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC), qui est un traitement très efficace pour traiter l'anxiété et la dépression. Le counseling pourrait aider votre pré-adolescent et adolescent... Read More

Si votre adolescent montre des signes de détresse psychologique ou de problèmes de comportement, notre équipe de professionnels au Cercle du Bien-être à Montréal peut aider. Nos thérapeutes sont spécialisés dans la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC), qui est un traitement très efficace pour traiter l'anxiété et la dépression. Le counseling pourrait aider votre pré-adolescent et adolescent à mieux comprendre et exprimer leurs sentiments, gérer leurs angoisses, s'adapter aux changements émotionnels et physiologiques majeurs, prendre de meilleures décisions, gérer les relations interpersonnelles et développer des moyens sains de faire face aux stress de la vie.

If your teen is showing any sign of psychological distress, or behavioural issues, our team of professionals at the Circle of Wellness Montreal can help. Our therapists are specialized in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which is a very effective treatment for dealing with anxiety and depression. Counselling could help your pre-teen and teenager to understand better and express their feelings, manage their anxieties, adjust to major emotional and physiological changes, make better decisions, manage interpersonal relationships, and develop healthy ways of coping with life stressors.

Thérapie de couple et familiale/Couple and Family Therapy

Les facteurs de la vie quotidienne peuvent mettre à dur épreuve une relation, mais lorsque d'autres facteurs de stress s'y ajoutent, tels que le manque de confiance, les problèmes d'intimité, l'infidélité, le ressentiment, la dépendance, la mauvaise communication, on peut se sentir impuissant, bloqué ou éprouver des sentiments de culpabilité et de honte. En utilisant une variété d'approches tel... Read More

Les facteurs de la vie quotidienne peuvent mettre à dur épreuve une relation, mais lorsque d'autres facteurs de stress s'y ajoutent, tels que le manque de confiance, les problèmes d'intimité, l'infidélité, le ressentiment, la dépendance, la mauvaise communication, on peut se sentir impuissant, bloqué ou éprouver des sentiments de culpabilité et de honte. En utilisant une variété d'approches telles que la thérapie centrée sur les émotions (EFT), votre thérapeute vous aidera, vous et votre partenaire, à comprendre les schémas inutiles de la relation. Une communication efficace entre les deux parties peut soulager l'anxiété émotionnelle et identifier les besoins insatisfaits de proximité et de désir qui sont cachés sous la colère et les comportements défensifs. Nous proposons une thérapie en ligne, ce qui la rend plus accessible aux couples.

Couple therapy helps people involved in a romantic relationship gain insight into their relationship, build intimacy, resolve conflict, improve and restore the emotional connection overall.Factors of everyday life can put a strain on a relationship, but when other stressors are added such as lack of trust, intimacy issues, infidelity, resentment, addiction, miscommunication then one can feel helpless, stuck or have feelings of guilt and shame.
Using a variety of approaches such as Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), your therapist will assist you and your partner in helping gain insight into the relationship unhelpful patterns. Communicating effectively on both parts can alleviate emotional anxiety, and identity the unmet needs for closeness and longing which are hidden under anger, defensive behaviours. We provide online therapy making it more accessible for couples.

Orientation professionnelle/Career Counselling

L'orientation professionnelle peut vous aider à vous connaître et à vous comprendre, ainsi qu'à prendre une décision professionnelle qui aura un impact sur votre avenir à long terme. Au cours de ce processus, nos conseillers/psychologues vous aideront à évaluer vos intérêts, vos compétences et vos points forts, afin de mieux comprendre vos souhaits et vos besoins et d'élaborer un plan pour atte... Read More

L'orientation professionnelle peut vous aider à vous connaître et à vous comprendre, ainsi qu'à prendre une décision professionnelle qui aura un impact sur votre avenir à long terme. Au cours de ce processus, nos conseillers/psychologues vous aideront à évaluer vos intérêts, vos compétences et vos points forts, afin de mieux comprendre vos souhaits et vos besoins et d'élaborer un plan pour atteindre vos objectifs. Cependant, l'orientation professionnelle ne se limite pas à la recherche du bon emploi ou de la bonne carrière. Il s'agit d'un processus à plusieurs niveaux où, avec l'aide de votre conseiller, vous pouvez découvrir certains de vos sentiments, pensées et comportements qui vous ont empêché de trouver la bonne voie professionnelle.

Tests de carrière en ligne
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur vos centres d'intérêt, le type d'environnement que vous aimez et dans lequel vous vous épanouissez, vos valeurs fondamentales et vos systèmes de croyance, ainsi que sur ce que vous souhaitez réaliser dans la vie, nous proposons une variété d'évaluations psychologiques telles que l'inventaire de personnalité Myers-Briggs et l'inventaire d'intérêt Strong. Nos conseillers d'orientation professionnelle/psychologues peuvent vous aider à planifier votre carrière, afin que vous puissiez commencer à prendre conscience de vous-même et de qui vous êtes, et faire des choix éclairés sur la voie professionnelle à suivre.

Career counselling can help you to know and understand yourself and how to make a career decision that will impact your long-term future. During this process, our counsellors/psychologists will help assess your interests, skills and strengths, in order to develop a better understanding of your wants and needs and develop a plan to achieve your goals. However, career counselling is more than finding the right job or career. It is a multi- layered process where with the help of your counsellor you could uncover some of your feelings, thoughts and behaviours that have held you back from finding the right career path.

Online Career Assessments/Career Testing
If you would like to know more about your interests, the kind of environments you like and thrive in, your core values and belief systems and what you want to achieve in life, we offer a variety of psychological assessments such as the Myers-Briggs personality Inventory, and the Strong Interest Inventory. Our career counsellors/psychologists can help you with career planning, so you can start developing an awareness of yourself, and who you are and make informed choices on what career path to pursue.

Services de naturopathie/nutritionniste/Naturopathy/Nutritionist Services

Notre naturopathe/nutritionniste propose une approche holistique combinant l'alimentation, la forme physique et l'état d'esprit pour aider les clients à créer des changements sains pour la vie. Au cours des séances de coaching individuel, les clients travailleront à l'adoption d'un mode de vie plus sain qui correspond à leurs besoins personnels et à leur biologie, et se libéreront des blocages ... Read More

Notre naturopathe/nutritionniste propose une approche holistique combinant l'alimentation, la forme physique et l'état d'esprit pour aider les clients à créer des changements sains pour la vie. Au cours des séances de coaching individuel, les clients travailleront à l'adoption d'un mode de vie plus sain qui correspond à leurs besoins personnels et à leur biologie, et se libéreront des blocages qui les empêchent de créer des changements durables dans leurs habitudes et dans leur vie.
Notre naturopathe/nutritionniste peut vous aider dans les cas suivants:
- Relation avec la nourriture, y compris les troubles de l'alimentation
- Fluctuations de poids
- Les allergies alimentaires et l'inflammation

Our Naturopath/Nutritionist offers whole-istic approach combining nourishment, fitness & mindset in supporting clients to create healthy changes for life. During the individual coaching sessions, clients will work on adopting healthier lifestyle that is aligned to with own personal needs and biology, and break free from the mindset blocks holding them back from creating lasting changes in their habits & life.
Our Naturopath/Nutritionist could help you dealing with:
- Food relationship including disordered eating
- Weight fluctuation
- Food allergies & inflammation

Mind-Body Therapist


Rejoignez l'un de nos cours en ligne dès aujourd'hui ! Vous n'êtes plus qu'à un pas d'atteindre vos objectifs et d'améliorer votre bien-être.
Join one of our online classes today! You're just one step away from reaching your goals and improving your overall health.

Barre Class

The Whole Barre class is a training that combines strength, flexibility, and balance making this barre classes a well-rounded workout that offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental health.

Having graduated with a Master’s degree and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from McGill University, Carolanne is a registered Social Worker from the Order of Social Work of Quebec (OTSTCFQ). She offers her clients a safe, warm and supportive environment for her clients to learn, grow, and overcome some of the biggest challenges they face today. By engaging a humanistic, client-centred and holistic approach, Carolanne supports her clients in both adopting healthier habits and uncovering the root cause of the initial development of maladaptive behaviours. In doing so, Carolanne supports pre-teens to young adults and adults in addressing a variety of issues including anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, behavioural concerns, relationship difficulties and communication issues. Carolanne uses an integrative approach which includes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, and Trauma-Informed Therapy.

Having graduated with a Master’s degree and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from McGill Univer... Read More

Since 1984, Mary has embarked on a fulfilling fitness journey. Her initial steps involved teaching in a variety of group fitness classes, including Aerobics, Sculpting, Spinning, and Core, to name a few. In 1989, she earned her certification as a personal trainer, laying the foundation for her fitness expertise. However, it wasn’t until 1991 that she unearthed her passion for yoga. Following dedicated personal practice, Mary obtained her certification as a yoga instructor in 1993 and promptly commenced teaching. Building on her repertoire, she became a certified mat Pilates instructor in 1997, further enriching her multifaceted fitness expertise.

Since 1984, Mary has embarked on a fulfilling fitness journey. Her initial steps involved teachin... Read More

Agathe de Broucker, a registered Drama Therapist with a Master’s degree from New York University, specializes in working with various forms of trauma (personal, systemic, chronic, vicarious). Her support extends to individuals dealing with grief, low self-esteem, relationship challenges, difficult life decisions and transitions, depression, anxiety, and disordered eating* (*subject to assessment).

Utilizing creative arts and mindful movement, Agathe cultivates a safe space where clients are empowered to embark on a journey of play, discovery, processing, regulation, self-compassion, growth, and healing. No prior experience with creative arts is necessary. Agathe’s approach is trauma-informed, integrative, and client-centered.

Agathe offers her services in French and in English.

Agathe de Broucker, a registered Drama Therapist with a Master’s degree from New York University,... Read More

Nadja Grabovari with over 15 years of professional experience specializes in individual, couple and family therapy. She received her Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology from McGill University, and a postgraduate training in Marital and Family Therapy at the Argyle Institute of Human Relations in Montreal. She has been working in a variety of settings including, school, community agencies and private clinics around Montreal. She has a special interest in working with individuals, and couples on issues of anxiety, depression, procrastination, self-esteem, career and life transition, communication and marital distress. She is trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) an approach which as proven to be very effective with couples in restoring the bond, trust and emotional intimacy. Her approach is working together and creating a trusting relationship which will allow deepening your understanding of who you are, working with your inner child and providing a space for self-acceptance.

Nadja Grabovari with over 15 years of professional experience specializes in individual, couple a... Read More

Brittanie La Forge holds a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) with a minor in Indigenous studies and maintaining her membership with the OTSTCFQ. Drawing from her extensive background in community engagement, family dynamics, and individual support, she has cultivated a profound sense of purpose and dedication to aiding others on their journey towards empowerment and healing.

With experience in various settings like schools, health agencies, and First Nations communities, Brittanie provides counseling, crisis intervention, and support services, aiming to empower individuals and address systemic barriers. She believes in the transformative power of social work and advocates for inclusive practices. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, camping, spending time with family, and exploring new cultures through travel. Brittanie embodies compassion, resilience, and hope in her social work endeavors. As she continues to navigate the complex landscape of social work, Brittanie remains a beacon of compassion, resilience, and hope for the communities she serves. Client focus: Adults, Families, Teens Offers services in English

Brittanie La Forge holds a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) with a minor in Indigenous studies and ... Read More

A naturopath with 21 years of experience as a licensed dietitian, now offers a more whole-istic approach combining nourishment, fitness & mindset in supporting her clients to create healthy changes for life as a licensed naturopath. For over 22 years as a coach and speaker, Dina has helped thousands of men & women shift their life so as to feel better in their body, inside and out. She specializes in supporting clients struggling with disordered eating, weight fluctuation, and food allergies & inflammation. She is also a recognized speaker on Global News, Business Insider, Huffington Post, and more. During the individual coaching sessions, Dina helps her clients adopt a healthier lifestyle that is aligned with their own personal needs and biology, and as well as break free from the mindset blocks holding them back from creating lasting changes in their habits & life.

A naturopath with 21 years of experience as a licensed dietitian, now offers a more whole-istic a... Read More

Niki’s journey started in competitive running, excelling at the 800M and gaining notice from the Quebec track team. After five years of dedicated training for the Olympics, she discovered a newfound passion for dance. Leaving the track team, she enrolled at Ballet Divertimento and later attended the prestigious Alvin Ailey dance school in New York City. Graduating from Concordia University in 2008, she continued to excel in dance, winning accolades in competitions and earning a second bachelor’s degree in Dance Education at UQAM. Niki’s teaching journey began, combining her fitness expertise with her extensive dance background, making her an innovative and energetic fitness coach both in-person and online across the Montreal region.

Niki’s journey started in competitive running, excelling at the 800M and gaining notice from the ... Read More

Leila Sarhadi, M.A., is a licensed Couple and Family Therapist, along with being a Certified Canadian Counsellor, bringing an extensive experience in guiding individuals, couples, and families through various challenges. Her expertise encompasses areas such as addiction, intimate partner violence, sexual abuse, and emotional trauma among others.

Leila specializes in couple therapy with focus in Emotionally Focused Therapy, Gottman Method Couples Therapy, and mindfulness techniques to foster communication, rebuild trust, and nurture connection between partners. She addresses relationship struggles, grief, trauma, and anxiety, with a keen focus on supporting couples and individuals from diverse cultural and immigrant backgrounds. Leila provides her services in English, French, and Farsi.

Leila Sarhadi, M.A., is a licensed Couple and Family Therapist, along with being a Certified Cana... Read More

Katelynn is a licensed art therapist with a Master’s degree in Expressive Arts Therapies from Concordia University. She specializes in supporting individuals and couples across various age groups dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, life transitions, and spiritual crises. Katelynn is highly skilled in couples therapy and employs a compassionate and integrative approach, incorporating narrative, psychodynamic, CBT, emotions-focused therapy (EFT), and humanistic modalities tailored to each client’s needs.

Using art and creative expressions, Katelynn facilitates a safe exploration of self and relationships, encouraging free expression without the need for art skills. In couples counseling, she fosters improved communication, emotional exploration, and connection. Katelynn empowers clients with skills in emotional regulation, coping strategies, and self-compassion, creating a therapeutic environment that promotes growth, resilience, and positive change.

Katelynn is a licensed art therapist with a Master’s degree in Expressive Arts Therapies from Con... Read More

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